Sunday, December 2, 2007

Far too long

It's been a long time since I've written in here, with Thanksgiving and then having to do my presentation, somehow I forgot all about blogging. And it's always such a welcome break from normal schoolwork. I was definitely frazzled during my presentation, and looking back I know I didn't cover all that I wanted to do. I thought I had at least 5 more minutes to conjure my thoughts, but somehow Dr Mon got our order mixed up and I had to go and it was like a train on the tracks and it just kept steamrolling. I hope it came off better than I think it did. I did get some good feedback, and made some extreme errors on my page that I had no clue how they occurred. I'm usually super fact checker but dropped the ball. Oh well. I'm certainly open to the suggestions....

I knew I would have to spend a good portion of my time justifying my choices in adding Friends on MySpace, and this is a fight I was planned to fight. But like I said I got caught off guard and didn't do as good a job explaining myself as I wanted. Oh well. It was my first time speaking in a chat room and I guess I didn't do too badly. I've listened to it...I don' t know. Frustrating. But at least I didn't have the technical difficulties that some had. I really like looking through everyones slides and pathfinders, they have such good resources! It must have been so fun looking for quality resources on something you're really interested in. Such good work. It's always nice to be able to see what others, in the same program, are doing. It's such an impersonal program, but refreshing when you do get to touch base. When I hand in my papers I have no clue if they're even setup the same as anyone elses. Oh WELL. My frustration with the semester will be done in a week. I hope I feel better when the week is done.