Saturday, October 1, 2011

you will always have me around

I am so furious with you.  And I miss you all the time.  Everywhere I go, something reminds me of you and I can't forget all the things we did together.  I am so mad at you.  I'm so mad that you can't man up and handle this like an adult.  That I asked you to meet with me and you won't.  That you avoid me.  That I have to see you every day at work.  That i can't get away from this sadness.   That I can't get you out of my mind or my heart.  There are a million reasons why I know you and I won't work.  But I still miss you every day.  Every god damn day.  My heart still breaks every day and I still cry every day and I still wish we could go back to what we were. EVERY. DAY.  I am so mad that it feels like there is a hole in my life and I don't know what to do without you.  Why don't I know what to do without you?  Why can't I just accept that you and I are not meant to be and close that chapter of my life.  Why do you matter so much?  Why did you walk away from me?  Why can't you be what I need you to be?  If i could say anything i wanted to in the world, it would be, Fuck you.  Fuck you for disappointing me.  Fuck you for leaving me.  Fuck you for making me feel like I did something wrong, that I am not good enough.  Fuck you for being such a goddamn loser.  Fuck you for pretending to love me and then leaving me when I needed you.  I just keep telling myself, it will get better.  It isn't.  I am not better.  I might have days where I am ok, and then wham, something comes up that makes me think of you.  I am a wreck and I'm not able to recover and all I want to do is recover.  I feel like I'm never going to find another person who loves me.  It was so easy with us, in the beginning, and I'm never going to find anyone who cares about me.  Or laughs at my jokes.  Or thinks i'm pretty.  or wants to spend time with me.  I still love you and i don't want to.  I want to forget that you ever mattered.  I want to be ok without you.  Or maybe I don't...maybe that's still the problem.  Maybe my heart is beating my brains today.  Hopefully tomorrow my brains win. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

its times like these

that you either learn to live again or you give up. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

wreck of the day

this is turning into a train wreck.  or maybe it's me that is turning into the train wreck. 

Monday, September 12, 2011


There is so much noise in my head from everyone about what I should do and how I should feel, that I can't figure out how I feel about anything.  Voices coming at me from all walks of life, telling me you are a loser, that I need to respect myself, that I am better off without you.  Everyone feels like they can comment on my life and give me advice.  I am so sick of it.  I don't care about how anyone else feels anymore.  I only care about how I feel and about how you feel.  And I feel confused, still.  And I have no idea how you really feel.  Still.

It's like hot and cold, give a little take a lot.  If you would just fucking call me, or talk to me, or look in my direction, I might be able to glean something from you that would point me in the correct direction.  Your text messages are doing me absolutely no good.  Grow a pair of balls and call me, for christsakes.  Let me move forward, alone or with you, but just let me move on.  I appreciate the knowledge that you are miserable.  That made my day.  And that you're sorry...that was good too.  OHhhhhhh and you miss me?  What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?  If you are miserable and you're sorry and you miss me, why can't you give me something that I want? 

God, if I even breathe that I miss you to anyone, it's a travesty.  Like I can't miss my best friend.  Like I can't miss the person who I texted and talked to a hundred times a day.  I'm just supposed to be ok with you leaving me alone.  And god forbid I indicate that I might be able to forgive you.  That, oh my goodness, is probably unthinkable to most people.  Well guess what, MOST PEOPLE???!?!?!?  I forgive him!  I do.  I know him more than most people, and I understand him more than anyone, and I understand!  So fuck off and let me live my life.  You don't have to live with the repercussions of my decisions.  You don't have to try to be ok without the one person who matters most.  No, you have your person in your life who will hold your hand and cuddle you and kiss you and spend time with you.  I don't.  And I am not ok!  I want to tell the world to fuck off.  Let me be me, and support me, but don't judge me or tell me what I should do.  Ok? 

It's so fucking hard.  I'm so confused all the time.  I don't know which end is up and I can't figure out how I feel.  There are eight million cliches running through my head, one positive for every negative.  I am not crazy, but I understand people who are.  And i have a desperate need for a punching bag. 

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Far too long

It's been a long time since I've written in here, with Thanksgiving and then having to do my presentation, somehow I forgot all about blogging. And it's always such a welcome break from normal schoolwork. I was definitely frazzled during my presentation, and looking back I know I didn't cover all that I wanted to do. I thought I had at least 5 more minutes to conjure my thoughts, but somehow Dr Mon got our order mixed up and I had to go and it was like a train on the tracks and it just kept steamrolling. I hope it came off better than I think it did. I did get some good feedback, and made some extreme errors on my page that I had no clue how they occurred. I'm usually super fact checker but dropped the ball. Oh well. I'm certainly open to the suggestions....

I knew I would have to spend a good portion of my time justifying my choices in adding Friends on MySpace, and this is a fight I was planned to fight. But like I said I got caught off guard and didn't do as good a job explaining myself as I wanted. Oh well. It was my first time speaking in a chat room and I guess I didn't do too badly. I've listened to it...I don' t know. Frustrating. But at least I didn't have the technical difficulties that some had. I really like looking through everyones slides and pathfinders, they have such good resources! It must have been so fun looking for quality resources on something you're really interested in. Such good work. It's always nice to be able to see what others, in the same program, are doing. It's such an impersonal program, but refreshing when you do get to touch base. When I hand in my papers I have no clue if they're even setup the same as anyone elses. Oh WELL. My frustration with the semester will be done in a week. I hope I feel better when the week is done.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

What to do what to do...

So I've created my group, but in hindsight it became more of a group that I want to see on MySpace rather than a group that the IPL would benefit from. And. we now have 14 members in the group. I'm not sure what to do about this. If I should keep it and find a way so that my own MySpace is the moderator and not the IPL or what. I'm starting to fall behind in my work, and creating another group might add on to my struggle, but it would surely be more beneficial. But maybe the IPL doesn't need to host a group anyways, seeing as nobody knows who'll be moderating the group next semester....So much to think about.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

A lot to get done this week. Plus the weather has finally changed, so it's nice and cold and all I feel like doing is snuggling under one of my mother's afghans and reading my latest books from the library. Hopefully schoolwork wins over relaxation. I'll have to let you know.

MYSPACE and the IPL are getting along fabulously, if only in my mind. We're up to 64 friends, some who have added us. I'm in the process of creating a group for libraries with myspace pages, but I'm sure they're probably a little leery of joining the group since it's is still so elemental.

I've been struggling, but have ultimately settled on only adding libraries to the friend section. Except for some class members and Dr. Mon. I don't even have myself added as a friend, because I'm a 25 year old who blogs on her myspace, and everything that is said is not always a good representation of myself and I don't want my negative qualities associated with the IPL. And that's because, in looking at some of the 'librarians' who have attempted to add us, I have come across some objectional content. If I am supposed to be creating this site as a method of promoting the IPL, I don't want anyone to click on any of our friends and find things that are inappropriate. I am curious though, if other members of the class or the IPL feel the same way as I do. I know Glynis is doing hers more as an outreach to people who work with the IPL, but I think Facebook is set up differently. As far as i know, in order to see someones page on facebook you have to be their friend, but this is not the case with myspace. Anyone can look at our page and see who our friends are. It's something I'm not completely sure on, and I haven't deleted and friend requests we've received. But.....I think I'm gonna stick with this decision so far.

On another note, I'm sitting in the practice eluminate session, realizing I have no clue how I wish to present. So there's no point in me being in it. ..

We talked in class this week a lot about virtual environments like Second Life. These areas fascinate but scare me at the same time. It's seems like an amazing way to meet up with people around the world. But what happened to real life interactions? Where are they? I succeed way more in face to face interactions than I do in online environments, and I'm in the age bracket that is supposed to succeed at this stuff. I can only imagine how lost people of older generations might feel...