Sunday, September 23, 2007

I want a simple life like that

We met this week in Second Life. It was such fun. Well, except for the fact that I couldn't seem to stop running into people no matter what I did. I guess, just like in real life, I need to learn to hang back until I'm sure of what I'm doing, so I don't hurt anyone :) It was fun too, to be able to take a class picture of all of our avatars ... I hope I'll have more of a chance to explore Second Life in the future. I'm hoping to bring my mom into the world of Second life....I think she'll really like talking and hanging out with me on the Internet....

I was reading some articles this week on Second Life and other online social network/gaming type sources of entertainment. And it was mentioned in class that there are people who look at SecondLife as a form of their real life, which seems slightly disturbing. I've always been slightly disturbed that people can take the Internet and use it to substitute normal human interaction. Don't get me wrong, I think the Internet is an amazing and wonderful thing, but it is almost like a drug. And drugs form addictions. They need to be used in moderation. Drugs kill Brain Cells :)

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