Thursday, September 13, 2007


So many things to talk about float about care about, that I don't know where to start. This class is fast becoming the only one I seem to care about!!! Hurray for Dr. Mon. Boo for me and my GPA. There are so many things that I want to do for my project, so many directions. I can't focus.

But...Team Outreach
Patricia and I met last night. We're such a small team (hopefully one more strong member) so we must keep ourselves to projects that are attainable. And not take off more than we can chew or however the adage goes. The two ideas we're trying to narrow down are

1.) Creating pages on social networking sites to promote the IPL. Sites such as MySpace, Face Book etc that can appeal to YA's and perhaps get them more interested into what the IPL has to offer. This idea might be more realistic due to the size of our group. But, having MySpace and Facebook, I realize that these might not be too difficult to set up. I might be able to do a solid job in a couple rainy afternoons.

2.) Creating either a little search window, or a link, that public libraries can put on their websites that will swoosh their users right on over to the IPL and all its fabulousness. This, alas, seems very daunting. I know next to nothing about html ( I can edit a wiki and that's it) and then all the contact we'd have to have with librarians. We'd never get this all the way done. Maybe we could just concentrate on a set number of libraries---maybe links in major libraries in major cities? What does the IPL think about this? Do they want us to do this?

WE had questions about the parameters. Where we're allowed to go exactly. Hopefully, we can get going though. It's going to be lots of work :)

love in reading,

1 comment:

Glynis said...

Hi teammate. Sorry I missed class last Wednesday. If we work together on a project, I say we do the second one, creating a button and then marketing it to public (you) and school (me) libraries. We could just target certain libraries, maybe ones in in our area, and then send out general instructions on listservs. I agree that it is a lot for two or three of us. I am learning how to create websites for another class, so I could develop, or we could see if anyone in our class can develop, a button, then we're really focusing on the marketing. Let me know what you think. ~Glynis