Sunday, September 9, 2007

It is what it is

So I've been attempting to get back into the IPL's graces so that I can help them out and answer questions. It's been a little slower than I thought, I think probably because they are so busy with new trainee ordeals and all, but I really just needed to know if I need to answer a training question again or if my account can be reactivated. Hopefully before class next Wednesday I'll be able to get back into it. We had a really good and interactive presentation on archiving for the IPL in class last week. It got me thinking about all the behind the scenes stuff that naive users like me never realize has to go on. I always get annoyed when I click on a link and it doesn't go anywhere, it must take so much work to keep these sites active and valid. Maybe from now on, if I come across a link that doesn't work, I'll take the time to email someone and let them know, instead of getting frustrated with it.

After the presentation on Wednesday, class was just .... done. I always like a reminder of what needs to be done before next class (I guess I'm used to being babysat). Welcome to the real world Melanie!!! I'm having such a hard time getting back into the swing of things this semester, I knew taking the summer off was a bad idea. Seriously, I've managed to procrastinate on all the work I need to do by doing anything else possible. Anyone else having this issue? Or am I the only slacker out there?


Community outreach for the IPL. Where do I want to see this going? Someone in our group had a great idea and I've been mulling it around. Is there someway we could get libraries nationwide to provide a link to the IPL on their homepages? Maybe a pretty little box that says, having trouble finding the answer to your questions.....ask the IPL? Ok so obviously that's not what it would say, but somewhere along those lines. What if we could get all the libraries to put this somewhere, maybe even link to it from their search engines? I also want to work on helping the IPL appeal to YA's (young adults). But how????

So many questions, still so easy to procrastinate. I'll get on it, I promise.

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