Sunday, October 14, 2007

Web 2.0 and an interesting experience

So far, for our web 2.0 paper, I've started writing papers on about 5 different topics. But by the end of the day, one of those will be done. I think I've narrowed in on writing about Flickr and all that it has to offer. I was going to do a paper on MySpace, but I feel like that's all I do, but that it's not all that I'm interested in. So I'm reaching outside of my box, or comfort zone, and exploring a new aspect of the all that is web 2.o. Hopefully it works out for me.

I did want to write about a positive experience that I had for the IPL recently. My best friend teaches 7th grade in a city school in Rochester NY. We were talking about how hard it is to find quality resources for kids that made them do the work to find the source but helped teach them how to search in a meaningful way. I told her to have them give the IPL a shot, and that if they couldn't find answers to their questions that they had a service which would help them answer their questions or get started searching. Friday night, she told me her kids loved the IPL. They really enjoyed how Kidspace was set up and had even asked a question and gotten a response right away. Score one for the IPL :) I'm helping with Outreach in methods I apparently had forgotten about----word of mouth. How old fashioned of me.

The MySpace page is coming along, for the IPL. I really want to get together with Glynis to figure out how we should write the About Me section. I don't want it to come across too Librarianesque, but I don't want it to seem so casual that people don't think that it is really sanctioned by the IPL. So I'll have to work on that as soon as I get the paper done...Wish me lucK!!!!

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